Human milk bank opens in Hanoi

The National Pediatrics Hospital officially opened its Human Milk Bank on March 22 with the support of the Ministry of Health and the Government of Ireland, Alive & Thrive and Newborns Vietnam.
Human milk bank opens in Hanoi ảnh 1Delegates cut the ribbon to open the Human Milk Bank at the National Pediatrics Hospital in Hanoi on March 22. (Photo: Alive & Thrive)
Hanoi (VNS/VNA) - The National Pediatrics Hospital officially opened itsHuman Milk Bank on March 22 with the support of the Ministry of Health and theGovernment of Ireland, Alive & Thrive and Newborns Vietnam.

This is the first human milk bank in Hanoi, which will provide donated breastmilk for more than a thousand at-risk babies treated at the National PediatricsHospital, who are temporarily unable to access their own mothers’ milk.

The bank plans to expand its scope of operations in the near future, providingsufficient human donor milk for neighbouring hospitals in the Red River Delta.

“Pasteurised and screened human donor milk is a life-saving medicine thatincreases vulnerable infants’ chance of survival and good health,” said AssociateProfessor Tran Minh Dien, Director of the National Pediatrics Hospital, at theopening ceremony.

“Studies show that for vulnerable infants, in comparison to commercial milkformula, pasteurised human donor milk can reduce the possibility of infectionsduring the first 28 days of the neonatal period by 19 percent, decreasehospitalisations by 15 days, and shorten the intravenous feeding time by 10days.”

Dr Dinh Anh Tuan, Deputy Director, Department of Maternal and Child Health,said: “Precautions and testing ensure the safety of vulnerable babies who usedonated milk. Mothers need to pass a blood test and other requirements tobecome human milk donors, while their raw collected breast milk will bemicrobiologically tested before and after pasteurisation.”

Since October 2021, the Human Milk Bank has received over 600 litres of donatedhuman milk from 38 mothers whose infants were undergoing treatment at thehospital.

Dr Le Thị Ha, Director of Neonatal Care Centre at the National PediatricsHospital, said that pasteurised human milk had been provided to 280 babies,including 62 babies affected by COVID-19, either infected themselves or withmothers with COVID-19 too severe to breastfeed.

“While taking care of my preterm baby at the National Pediatrics Hospital, Isaw many other babies in the intensive care unit having digestive andrespiratory problems and missing out on their mothers’ milk nutrients," saidKhanh Ly, a human milk donor.

"After seeing the other infants struggling, I wanted to share my breastmilk, and I am thankful for the opportunity to support other families inraising their children."

Ly’s baby is now seven months old, and she continues to donate her surplusbreast milk.

The Human Milk Bank at the National Pediatrics Hospital is among seven HumanMilk Banks and satellite Human Milk Banks currently in operation in Vietnam.

Seán Farrell, Development Specialist at the Embassy of Ireland in Vietnam,said: “Ireland is proud to contribute to the Human Milk Bank network in Vietnam.Human Milk Banks nourish the group that is furthest behind – vulnerable babies,including those born prematurely, underweight, or infected with COVID-19.

"I want to thank all the human milk donors and staff of the Human MilkBank and other Milk Banks in Vietnam. You are devoted to supporting miracles,giving babies a better chance at strong, healthy lives.”/

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