ILO, Can Tho University hold training in labour standards

The International Labour Organisation (ILO) and Can Tho University co-held a training course on international labour standards and corporate social responsibility in tertiary education on September 22.
ILO, Can Tho University hold training in labour standards ảnh 1During the training course (Photo: VNA)

Can Tho (VNA) - The InternationalLabour Organisation (ILO) and Can Tho University co-held a training course on internationallabour standards and corporate social responsibility in tertiary education onSeptember 22.  

ILO Coordinator Tran Minh Tri said a nationalcooperation programme signed between the ILO and Vietnam in 2017 has served as themain tool for the cooperation framework between the two sides, along with organisationsof workers and employers.

Through tertiary education, the ILO hopes to joinhands with educational institutions to set up programmes and subjects of study aimedat raising workers’ awareness and responsibility, he noted, adding that they needto be aware of their rights to access better job opportunities and have theirvoice heard in decisions that directly affect their lives.

Teaching programmes will cover issues relating tolaws on labour, social welfare, health insurance, child labour, labour safetyand health, migrant workers, corporate development, sustainable development,and social responsibility.

The budget for development cooperation projectsbetween the ILO and the Vietnamese Government has to date totalled 20 millionUSD, sourced from main sponsors Australia, Canada, the EU, Japan, Russia, andthe US, and public-private partnerships./.


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