Indochinese banks team up for better service

The Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam (BIDV) signed a comprehensive cooperation agreement with five leading banks of Laos and Cambodia in Hanoi on January 7.
The Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam (BIDV) signed a comprehensive cooperation agreement with five leading banks of Laos and Cambodia in Hanoi on January 7.

The foreign banks included the Banque pour le Commerce Exterieur Lao (BCEL), the Lao Development Bank (LDB), the Canadia Bank of Cambodia (Canadia Bank) and the Foreign Trade Bank of Cambodia (FTB) and the Rural Development Bank of Cambodia (RDB).

According to the agreement, the banks will cooperate in all fields, linking their banking services under the legal framework of each country and international common practices. The banks will give priority to providing funds to development projects, cooperate in international settlement, share experiences, provide information, supervise staff training and disclose banking techniques.

The joint efforts among leading banks in Indochina will create favourable conditions for trade and investment, helping promote economic ties in the peninsular, stressed BIDV Chairman of Management Board Tran Bac Ha./.

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