Indonesia halts regional elections due to COVID-19

Indonesian President Joko Widodo has signed a law on postponing the 2020 regional elections, which were scheduled for September, due to the COVID-19 outbreak.
Indonesia halts regional elections due to COVID-19 ảnh 1Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Photo:

Jakarta (VNA) - Indonesian President Joko Widodo has signed a law on postponing the 2020 regional elections, which were scheduled for September, due to the COVID-19 outbreak.

Under the law issued on May 4, the Indonesian Government decided to reschedule the simultaneous elections in 270 regions to December because of the unnatural disaster.

However, if the disaster is not yet over at the end of the year, the elections can still be halted and rescheduled after the disaster ends.

Previously, the Indonesian Government and House of Representatives approved a plan to hold the regional elections on December 9 instead of September 23 due to the COVID-19 epidemic.

However, Titi Anggraini, Executive Director of the Association for Elections and Democracy, said the elections are difficult to take place as schedule as the disease continues.

Meanwhile, Indonesian Political Review (IPR) Executive Director Ujang Komaruddin has proposed to postpone the elections until 2021 or 2022 to have more time for preparation.

If everything takes place as originally planned, this will be the largest regional election in Indonesia’s history when it is held simultaneously in 270 regions across the country./.

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