Indonesia: military transport plane crashed, 13 dead

Indonesia’s military transport plane on December 18 crashed into a mountain in eastern Papua province, killing all 13 people on board.
Indonesia: military transport plane crashed, 13 dead ảnh 1The scene of the accident. (Source: Xinhua/VNA)

Hanoi (VNA) – Indonesia’s military transport plane on December 18 crashed into a mountain in eastern Papua province, killing all 13 people on board.

Indonesian air force’s spokesperson Marshal Agus Supriatna affirmed the Hercules C-130 plane crashed into the Jayawijaya mountainous area , around 3,500 kilometres east of Jakarta, at 6h15 (local time).

The plane was carrying 12 tonnes of necessary materials and cement from Timikia city to Wamena town.

Ivan Ahmad Riski Titus, operational director of Indonesia's Search and Rescue Agency, said the scene of the accident was not far away from Wamena and functional forces found bodies of victims and moved them to Wamena.

According to a preliminary investigation, the bad weather might cause the crash.-VNA


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