Indonesia prepares human resources for Industry 4.0

The Indonesian Government is giving priority to the development of human resources in order to prepare them for the fourth Industrial Revolution after focusing on massive infrastructure development.
Indonesia prepares human resources for Industry 4.0 ảnh 1A corner of Indonesia (Source:

Jakarta (VNA) – The Indonesian Government is giving priority to the development of human resources in order to prepare them for the fourth Industrial Revolution or Industry 4.0, after focusing on massive infrastructure development.

The fourth industrial revolution, starting this year, will revolutionise the manufacturing and production industries by integrating Internet of Things, data integration, cloud computing, and other technological advancements into the heart of production and manufacturing systems.

Indonesian Industry Minister Airlangga Hartarto said that improving the competence of human resources is the key to success in facing the Industry 4.0.

This is in line with the roadmap of Making Indonesia 4.0 which seeks to place Indonesia in the ranks of the 10 largest economies in the world in 2030, he noted.

The road map was prepared on the basis of the directives of President Joko Widodo, who stressed the importance of the fourth industrial revolution to Indonesia at cabinet meetings and other forums.

According to Hartarto, the ministry will continue to seek synergy with all the stakeholders.

He expressed optimism, as Indonesia will benefit from the demographic bonus in the next decade when majority or 70 percent of the population will comprise people from the productive age group of 15-64 years.

Therefore, he stressed the importance of massive and well-structured implementation of vocational education.

Meanwhile, Minister of Manpower Hanif Dhakiri has said the Indonesian government will improve the ability of Indonesian workers in the face of the fourth industrial revolution based on science, technology, and innovation.

The government will create two policies, namely strengthening access and quality of education for vocational training, and preparing training funding and fund assistance for layoff victims.

Currently 60 percent of the 128 million Indonesian workers are only elementary or middle school graduates.-VNA


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