Hanoi (VNA) – Indonesia is currently promotingthe export of halal food and beverage products, which are sectors with risingpotential, ready to be developed further to help improve national exportperformance and the current account balance.
Minister of National Development Planning BambangBrodjonegoro said that Indonesia holds great potential in halal tourism.
The country will prioritise the manufacturing sector for severalproducts, one of them is food and beverages, Brodjonegoro noted.
He added that the food and beverage industry isthe most prepared industry in terms of production capacity and exportpotential. In fact, a number of companies can even build their productionfactories outside of Indonesia.
However, in general, Indonesia is still a halalnet importer. The minister voiced his hope that Indonesia could become a majorproducer of halal products and compete in the global trade arena in the time tocome.
Thecountry’s first step is to reduce imports and startto become a net exporter, Brodjonegoro explained.
Many of the potential export markets forIndonesia’s halal products are in Africa, with a continental population of onebillion people. Of these, around 40 percent are Muslims. The population growthrate in Africa is also relatively high.
In addition to food and beverages,pharmaceutical and cosmetic products also have the potential to be exported toAfrica.
Central Asia is also considered to have the potentialto develop into a market for Indonesia’s halal products.
Brodjonegoro remarked that to reach thesepotential markets, the halal industry in Indonesia should focus on being moreexport-oriented.–VNA