Hanoi (VNA) - International integration in politics-defence-security hashelped Vietnam establish more strategic and comprehensive cooperationframeworks, and deepen relations with important partners, Deputy Prime Ministerand Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh said.
Minhmade his assessment at a meeting of the inter-sectoral steering committee forinternational integration in politics-defense-security held in Hanoi on June26. The committee is one of the three committees under the National SteeringCommittee for International Integration led by PM Nguyen Xuan Phuc.
Speakingat the function, the Deputy PM, also head of the inter-sectoral steeringcommittee, praised coordination by relevant agencies and sectors to implementexternal policies on extensive international integration issued by the Party’s12th National Congress.
Thepolicies have been translated into specific projects, including the nationalmaster plan on international integration by 2020 with a vision toward 2030, andResolution 06/QH-TW on effective implementation of international economicintegration and ensuring socio-politic stability amid the country’s participationin new-generation free trade agreements.
Theofficial said international friends have spoken highly of Vietnam’s hosting of theAPEC Year 2017, the 26th Annual Meeting of the Asia-Pacific ParliamentaryForum, the 6th Greater Mekong Subregion Summit and the 10thCambodia-Laos-Vietnam Development Triangle Summit.
Headded that active foreign and defence-security diplomacy has contributed toprotecting the country’s sovereignty in the East Sea.
Hepraised Vietnam’s participation in the UN peacekeeping mission and new ideas inbilateral cooperation and at multilateral forums and dialogues.
Healso pointed to complicated and rapid changes in the region and the world inthe past six months, which directly affected Vietnam’s security, developmentand international integration.
Hesaid the situation requires relevant agencies to make prompt assessment andforecast, and take suitable measures to carry out international integration inregard to the world, regional, and East Sea affairs.
Minhtasked members of his committee with taking the lead in elevating multilateraldiplomatic activities and building multilateral mechanisms via specific initiatives.
Herequested them to step up preparations for Vietnam’s candidacy for anon-permanent seat in the UN Security Council in 2020-2021 as well as its ASEANChairmanship in 2020 and building of a post-2020 APEC vision.
Thecountry’s further involvement in the UN peacekeeping mission and collaborationto fight trans-national crimes are also important, the Deputy PMstressed.-VNA