Representatives from the Government Committee for Religious Affairs andlocal authorities joined more than 100 Islamic followers at the event.
The participants agreed that from now until 2015, the Islamic Chamcommunity will continue to organise religious courses combined with thedissemination of law to its believers.
The community will seek funding to support Cham students pursuinggraduate and post-graduate study both in and outside the country, andhold more Vietnamese-Cham bilingual courses at local schools andmosques.
At the congress, the delegates elected a 16-member representative boardof the Islamic Cham community for the 2010-2015 term, with MuSa Hajire-elected as its head.
An Giang province is now home to over 15,000 Islamic Cham people whoconduct religious practice at 27 mosques in seven districts and towns.
Over the past five years, a total of 1,813 houses were built for poorCham families in An Giang, with financial support sourced from hungereradication and poverty reduction Programmes 134 and 135./.