Italian President hopes for closer Vietnam-Italy ties

Italian President Sergio Mattarella suggested a stronger effort from both Vietnamese and Italian Governments in order to lift bilateral relations to a new level.
 Italian President hopes for closer Vietnam-Italy ties ảnh 1Italian President Sergio Mattarella (R) receives Vietnamese Ambassador to Italy Cao Chinh Thien (Source: VNA)

Italian President Sergio Mattarella suggested a stronger effort from both Vietnamese and Italian Governments in order to lift bilateral relations to a new level.

During his reception for Vietnamese Ambassador to Italy Cao Chinh Thien, who presented his credentials to the Italian President on October 10 in Rome , President Mattarella highlighted fruitful development in all-round relations between the two countries over the last four decades.

He spoke highly of Vietnam’s political, economic and trade achievements in recent years, affirming that Vietnam is one of his country’s largest trade partners in ASEAN.

For his part, Ambassador Cao Chinh Thien stated that he will do his utmost to contribute to further strengthening the bilateral affiliation.

Vietnam and Italy upgraded their relations to a strategic partnership in 2013 with the aim of stepping up multifaceted cooperation.

As scheduled, President Sergio Mattarella will pay an official visit to Vietnam next month, which will be the first visit to the Southeast Asian nation by an Italian president.-VNA


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