Under the agreement, the Japaneseside will donate 393 million JPY (approximately 4.17 million USD) to thesecond phase which aims to improving water-related disaster preventionthrough an integrated flood management (IFM) system. It is due to startin September and last three years.
Japanese experts will be sentto Vietnam to help the country transfer technology while Vietnamesepartners will receive training in Japan.
Vietnamese agenciesinvolved in the project include the Ministry of Agriculture and RuralDevelopment, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment andauthorities from the central provinces of Nghe An, Quang Binh, Ha Tinhand Thua Thien Hue.
Besides, JICA provide machinery and equipment.
"Japanhas long history and experience of dealing with natural disasters, Ihope this project can utitise that knowledge and contribute to thereduction of flood risks in the central provinces while increasing theresilience of society against the dangers,” said JICA Vietnam ChiefRepresentative Tsuno Motonori.
The first phase of the project wascarried out by JICA from 2009 to 2012. It was successful in its aims,including the formulation of an Integrated Flood Management Plan in ThuaThien Hue province and the preparation of guidelines on community baseddisaster resilience management.-VNA