Hanoi (VNA) – The Japan Association of Environment Assessment (JEAS) has agreed tohelp the Institute of Strategy and Policy on Natural Resources and Environment (ISPONRE)of Vietnam build capacity in environmental issues.
Under theMemorandum of Understanding signed in Hanoi on October 28, the two sides willcooperate in environmental assessment – including strategic environmentalassessment, environmental and social impact analysis and environmentalassessment; laws and regulations related to environmental management; and accreditation scheme onenvironmental assessment and others.
They will also co-organise workshops andseminars as well as experience-sharing trips between Vietnam and Japan, exchange scientific information, carry out joint studies and co-publishpapers.
ISPONRE deputydirector Nguyen Trung Thang said assessment of risks of climate change andpotential to reduce greenhouse gas emission should be integrated into laws onenvironmental impact assessment. The institute is working with the VietnamEnvironment Administration (VEA) to revise provisions of environmental impact assessment in the Law on Environmental Protection, he said.
JEAS PresidentOsamu Kajitani said there is a wide range of areas for cooperation between thetwo sides. The JEAS is an association of businesses with a close link with theJapanese Ministry of the Environment, universities and research institutes.
He hoped thatthe agreement will help the two sides remove existing barriers and bettersupport businesses./.