Japan media: Vietnam wants to deepen strategic partnership with Japan

Vietnam wishes to deepen strategic partnership with Japan for peace and prosperity in the region, Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc has told Japanese media agencies.
Japan media: Vietnam wants to deepen strategic partnership with Japan ảnh 1Illustrative image (Source: binhphuocittpc.gov.vn)
Tokyo (VNA) – Vietnam wishes to deepen strategic partnership with Japan for peace and prosperity in the region, Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc has told Japanese media agencies.

Talking to The Nikkei and some news outlets ahead of his official visit to Japan from June 4-8, the Prime Minister stressed Vietnam’s desire to build a closer relationship with Japan, especially in economic links, towards doubling investments and trade turnover between the two nations in 2020.

In an article published on June 3, The Nikkei quoted Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc as saying that the Trans-pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement is crucial to connecting and developing the economies in the Asia-Pacific region.

The PM believed in the possibility of implementing the TPP with 11 members as the US withdrew from the deal. He praised Japan's efforts in seeking a solution to the matter.

According to Jiji news agency, PM Phuc affirmed Vietnam’s commitment to maintaining close cooperation with TPP member nations, with Japan being a priority.

Vietnam valued the Japanese government’s efforts in accelerating to put the pact into effect, he said.

PM Phuc hoped for Japanese investment in digitalisation and other fields that could boost economic productivity. The leader said he also was banking on Japanese expertise in smart city development and applying information technology to agriculture, factories and travel.

Meanwhile, NHK television said on its website on June 3 that PM Phuc applauded countries worldwide, including Japan, for their responsibility and contributions to ensuring security, navigation safety and freedom in the East Sea.

The Vietnamese Government leader reaffirmed Vietnam’s stance of settling East Sea-related issues by peaceful means, according to the Jiji news agency.

During his five-day trip to Japan, PM Phuc is scheduled to meet Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko, and hold talks with his Japanese counterpart, Shinzo Abe.-VNA

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