The Japanese advisor received the reward for his effectivecontributions to boosting the economic-trade, investment, cultural andeducational cooperation between Vietnam and Japan over the past20 years.
With the VCCI' proposal, Sato established a VCCI representativeoffice in Japan in 1991 and has worked as the office’s senioradvisor since then. He has also made active and effective contributionsto the success of visits by the two countries’ high-ranking leaders.
Ten years ago, when Japan began to invest strongly in Vietnam 10,Sato and the Japan Economic Association organised a Vietnam-Japaneconomic conference in Vietnam, creating opportunities for Vietnamesebusinesses to attend seminars and exhibitions in Japan and set upcooperative ties with Japanese partners.
He has also helped many Vietnamese localities to introduce theirpotentials in Japan as well as organised a number of exchangesbetween the two countries’ people.
Speaking at the award handover ceremony, the Japanese advisorexpressed his wish that large cooperative projects between Vietnam andJapan , including the Hoa Lac hi-tech park, North-South expresswayand express railway will be well completed.
He affirmed that he will make more contributions to consolidating anddeveloping the friendship and cooperation between the Japanese andVietnamese people./.