Vientiane (VNA) – General Secretary of the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party(LPRP) and President of Laos Bounnhang Volachith on January 15 hosted areception for a delegation from the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics(HCMA) led by Professor Dr. Nguyen Xuan Thang, Director of the academy.
Prof.Dr. Thang, also Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committeeand Chairman of the Central Theory Council, said the delegation was in Laos toattend a high-level seminar between the HCMA and Laos’ National Academy ofPolitics and Public Administration to review their cooperation.
Duringthe event, the two sides discussed collaboration in personnel training and thetranslation of the Complete Works ofHo Chi Minh into Lao and announced the translated version of volumes 5, 7 and 8as well as a memorandum of understanding on future cooperation, he said.
He expressed his hope that the Lao leader willpay greater attention to directing links between the two Central TheoryCouncils and political academies.
For his part, LPRP leader and President of Laos BounnhangVolachith lauded the cooperation between the two academies over the years andthe outcomes of the working visit.
Hesaid Lao suffers from a lack of qualified personnel in theory and scientificresearch, proposing the Vietnamese side continue supporting Laos in this field.He said he hopes the two academies will promptly implement their agreements.
On the occasion, the Lao leader conveyedgratitude to the Party, State and people of Vietnam for their support to Laos.
Earlier on January 14, the HCMA delegation hadtalks with officials from the Laos’ National Academy of Politics and PublicAdministration, during which the two sides evaluated the results of theircooperation agreement in 2014-2018.
Duringthe period, the two academies coordinated closely in personnel training,delegation exchange, scientific research and translation of the Complete Works of Ho Chi Minh into Lao, aswell as in a project to upgrade infrastructure for the Laos’ NationalAcademy of Politics and Public Administration.
Thetwo sides also worked together in professional knowledge sharing andinformation exchange, facilitating research in both Vietnam and Laos.
In2019-2023, the two academies will continue fostering ties in personneltraining, scientific research and information and document sharing.
Followingthe seminar, the two sides signed a cooperation agreement for 2019-2023.
Duringtheir stay, the Vietnamese delegation also worked with the Lao National SocialScience Council.-VNA