Lao newspaper highlights development of Vietnam-Laos special ties throughout history

Pathet Lao Newspaper run by the Lao New Agency (KPL) on April 25 published an article on the special Laos-Vietnam relationship is developed throughout the history of national construction and defence, highlighting the long-standing solidarity and sound traditional friendship between the two neighbouring countries over the past more than nine decades.
Lao newspaper highlights development of Vietnam-Laos special ties throughout history ảnh 1President Ho Chi Minh (R) receives head of the LPRP delegation Kaysone Phomvihane (File photo: VNA)
Vientiane (VNA) – Pathet Lao Newspaper run by the Lao New Agency (KPL) on April 25 published an article on the special Laos-Vietnam relationship is developed throughout the history of national construction and defence, highlighting the long-standing solidarity and sound traditional friendship between the two neighbouring countries over the past more than nine decades.

With over 2,000km of the shared border, Vietnam and Laos have shown strong mutual support, especially during hard time, the article noted, stressing that the two nations have maintained sound neighbourliness and close ties through all historical periods.

It said that the founding of the Communist Party of Indochina - the predecessor of the Communist Party of Vietnam - opened the first chapter of the glorious history of the special relationship between Laos and Vietnam, paving the way for the special solidarity between the two countries.

The ties, founded by President Ho Chi Minh, President Kaysone Phomvihane and President Souphanouvong, have become an invaluable treasure of both nations and the common development rule of the two countries during their path of developing towards a prosperous country with rich and happy people.

During the struggles against invaders, Vietnamese and Lao peoples coordinated closely with each other for the same purpose of regaining national independence and freedom, the article said.

Right after gaining power, the Vietnamese and Lao governments signed a treaty on Laos-Vietnam mutual support and another on the Vietnam-Laos Alliance, laying the first legal foundation for their cooperation to fight their common enemy. President Ho Chi Minh once said: “We consider the happiness and prosperity of Laos as our own,” while the spirit of “helping our friend is helping ourselves” has been maintained throughout the history of both countries.

Lao newspaper highlights development of Vietnam-Laos special ties throughout history ảnh 2Vietnamese Minister of Industry and Trade Nguyen Hong Dien (left, front) and his Lao counterpart Khampheng Xaysompheng exchange an agreement on border cooperation in Vientiane on April 11 (Photo: VNA)
During the wars, a great deal of Vietnamese voluntary soldiers joined the Pathet Lao armed forces, shedding their blood for the victory of the revolution in both countries with the signing of the Geneva Agreement in 1954 on the restoration of peace in Indochina.

The article also reviewed the close coordination and the growth of solidarity between Laos and Vietnam since 1954, highlighting the establishment of the bilateral diplomatic relations on September 5, 1962.

It said that since 1986 when the two countries started national reform cause, their special relationship has been further lifted up, focusing on optimising their advantages and strength and giving each other highest priority.
The 21st century has witnessed the comprehensive expansion of bilateral ties in both depth and width. Achievements of bilateral cooperation in politics, external relations, defence-security, economy, culture, science, technology, and collaboration among localities have contributed to strongly promoting the national construction, development as well as regional and international integration in each country, the article underlined.

It said that this year, as Laos and Vietnam are celebrating the 60th anniversary of bilateral diplomatic relations, 45 years of the bilateral Treaty of Amity and Cooperation, and the Laos-Vietnam, Vietnam-Laos Friendship and Solidarity Year, is a good chance for the two sides to reinforce and further lift up their great friendship, special solidarity and comprehensive cooperation, thus making positive contributions to the national construction and defence in each country as well as to peace, stability, cooperation and development in the region and the world over./.

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