Secretary of the Hung Yen provincial Party Committee NguyenHuu Nghia expressed his delight at rapid changes in Laos, and encouraged localenterprises and their Lao counterparts to explore cooperation opportunities, contributingto development in the neighbouring country and the province.
Permanent Deputy Secretary of the provincial Party Committee andChairman of the provincial People’s Council Tran Quoc Toan briefed the guestson socioeconomic development and Party and political system building in HungYen, saying between 2021 and September 2023 the locality’s economy grew some9.3% annually and was among the top ten cities and provinces nationwide in thisregard.
Attention has paid to infrastructure construction atindustrial parks and clusters, investment attraction and business development, hesaid, adding that Hung Yen ranks third nationwide in implementing the nationaltarget programme on new-style rural area building.
For her part, the Lao official congratulated Hung Yen onits achievements in socioeconomic development and party and political systembuilding, and noted her impressions on the province’s performance in new ruralarea building, foreign investment attraction, and especially party building,which, she said, would be valuable experience for Lao localities to follow andcooperate.
She suggested Hung Yen carry out more practicalactivities to step up cooperation with Lao localities across spheres, thus contributingto diversifying the solidarity the two countries.
Later the same day, the Lao delegation visited Phu Cudistrict, Hung Yen province./.