Lao press praise President Ho Chi Minh’s thought

Vietnamese late President Ho Chi Minh’s thought has been praised for helping Lao people win victory during their national salvation as well as current construction, defence and development, Pasaxon (Laos People) newspaper said in its editorial.
Vietnamese late President Ho Chi Minh’s thought has been praised for helping Lao people win victory during their national salvation as well as current construction, defence and development, Pasaxon (Laos People) newspaper said in its editorial.

Other major newspapers such as Vientiane May (New Vientiane), PathetLao (Laos Country), and LaoPhatthana (Laos Development) carried a number of articles featuring the life and career of President Ho Chi Minh – who laid the foundation for the special ties between Vietnam and Laos.

The articles, which were written on the occasion of the President’s 125th birthday anniversary, also highlighted his significant contributions to the Laos revolutionary cause.

During the quest for national independence, Ho Chi Minh was extremely concerned about the situation in Laos, denouncing the French colonialists’ cruelty to the country, the papers wrote.

On May 19, the late President’s birthday was celebrated in Mongolia at an event hosted by the Vietnamese Embassy in Mongolia coordinated with the Mongolia-Vietnam Friendship Association.

President of the Mongolia-Vietnam Friendship Association Dashtsevel expressed Mongolian people’s deep admiration and respect to the deceased – who together with late Mongolian President Sedenbal laid the foundation for the sound friendship between people of the two nations.

He added that the glorious revolutionary life of late President Ho Chi Minh is a pre-eminent symbol of Vietnam’s determination for national liberation, which, he said contributed to the global struggle for peace, independence, democracy and advancement.-VNA

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