At the reception, Phuc applauded the visit, which took place when thetwo countries are engaged in organising a series of activities markingthe 50 th anniversary of diplomatic ties and 35 years of the signing ofthe Vietnam-Laos Friendship and Cooperation Treaty.
He suggested that the two countries’ transport sectors strengthencooperation and mutual consultations on bilateral and multilateralissues, especially activities to transport tourists by road and expandthe East-West corridor.
For his part, SommadPholsena spoke highly of the Vietnamese experts’ assistance to Laos ’transport infrastructure and development over the past time.
He suggested Vietnam exchange professional knowledge and experiencewith Laos in all aspects, especially in the transport sector, as wellas continue helping Laos build its transport development plan.
Earlier, the Lao minister held talks with Vietnamese Minister ofTransport Dinh La Thang during which the two sides reviewed theirtransport cooperation over the past time.
Theynoted with pleasure good results of the cooperation projects, includingthe 2E Road project which is scheduled to be completed later this yearand the start of preliminary surveys on a route from Phuthitphong inLuang Prabang province to Naxon near Dien Bien Dong district ofVietnam’s Dien Bien province.
The two sides havekicked off the full implementation of single-window inspection andsingle-stop inspection (SWI/SSI) at the Lao Bao-Densavanh border gateand are considering applying this procedure at other border gates.
In the spirit of an agreement between the two Governments on Vietnam’s Vung Ang port signed on July 20, 2001, to boost travels and economicdevelopment along the East-West corridor, the two transport ministrieshave agreed to create favourable conditions for the Laos-Australia jointventure to transport refined ores from Laos for export via Vung Angport.
The two ministries also agreed to continueexchanging experience in appraising the quality of transport works,traffic safety and personnel training as well as further strengthencooperation in aviation, road and transit transport.
The two sides also agreed to work together in implementingsubregional and regional projects, including the development triangleproject and transport cooperation projects in the framework of ASEAN andthe Greater Mekong Sub-region (GMS).
During theirstay from August 8-13, the Lao delegation will visit several transportinfrastructure projects and study cooperation possibilities with centralThanh Hoa, Ha Tinh and Quang Tri provinces.-VNA