Laos, Cambodia congratulate Vietnam on Party's founding anniversary

The Lao People’s Revolutionary Party and the Cambodian People’s Party have cabled messages of congratulations to the Communist Party of Vietnam over its 87th founding anniversary (February 3).
Laos, Cambodia congratulate Vietnam on Party's founding anniversary ảnh 1Illustrative image (Photo: VNA)

Hanoi (VNA) -  The Lao People’s Revolutionary Party (LPRP) and the Cambodian People’s Party (CPP) have cabled messages of congratulations to the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) over its 87th founding anniversary (February 3). 

In its message, the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party Central Committee congratulated the CPV and the Vietnamese people on their great achievements over the past years, considering them a source of inspiration to Laos's national development and protection.

It reiterates that the traditional friendship, special solidarity and comprehensive cooperation between the two Parties, States and people of Laos and Vietnam are the invaluable assets and the rule of existence and development of both nations as well as one of the factors decisive to the success of each country.
"The Lao Party, State and people will do their utmost, together with the fratenal Vietnamese Party, State and people, to preserve, safeguard and foster the Laos-Vietnam ties for the benefit of the two countries as well as for peace, friendship and cooperation in the region and the world," the message reads. 

The Lao Party, State and people expressed their deep and sincere gratitude to their Vietnamese counterparts for providing valuable, continuous and effective support for the Lao revolutionary cause over the past time. 

The Cambodian People’s Party (CPP), meanwhile, highly valued the growth of the traditional friendship and comprehensive cooperation between the two Parties, Governments and people, affirming that it will continue consolidating the relationship between the two nations under the motto “Good Neighbours, Traditional Friendship, and Sustainable Long-term Comprehensive Cooperation". 

The CPP expressed its strong belief that under the sound leadership of the CPV headed by General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, the Vietnamese people will gain ever greater achievements in line with the Resolution of the 12th National Party Congress.-VNA

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