HCM City (VNA) – National Assembly (NA) deputies raised a numberof questions for the Chief Justice of the People’s Supreme Court and the PrimeMinister at the Q&A session of the ongoing fourth sitting of the 14thNational Assembly in Hanoi on November 18.
The plenary meeting on November 18 was chaired by NA Chairwoman Nguyen Thi KimNgan.
In the morning, Chief Justice Nguyen Hoa Binh cleared up queries on the qualityof judgmental work, particularly civil, administrative and corruption cases, andhandling wrongful convictions and pending cases.
He responded questions on trade unions’ right to take legal proceedings againstenterprises, cases relating to enterprises’ social insurance payment, andprecedent and effectiveness of using precedent, as well as capacity of thecourt system’s staff.
In the afternoon, Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc answered questions relatingto economic growth, equitisation and business development, the role of theprivate sector, improvement of business climate, foreign direct investment(FDI) enterprises, rich and poor gaps, and social welfare.
He was also grilled on international integration, measures to enhance thecompetitiveness of the economy, management of public debt, foreign loans, build-operate-transfer(BOT) projects, and e-government.
Questions relating to smart urban development, corruption cases, sustainabledevelopment of the Mekong Delta, tourism development, culture investment, deforestation,forests closing; among others were answered by the PM.
After thee days of Q&A sessions, four ministers and the Prime Ministerparticipated in, clearing up a number of questions raised by deputies. Pendingquestions of the deputies will be replied in written form by the Cabinetmembers.
A plenary meeting will take place on November 20, where NA deputies willdiscuss policies for Ho Chi Minh City’s development, vote on the law onamendments and revisions to some articles of the law on credit institutions,and debate the draft law on measurement and map (revised).-VNA