Lawmakers speed up addressing transport problems

The National Assembly’s Justice Committee on March 6 asked relevant ministries to analyse shortcomings in road and railway transport.
Lawmakers speed up addressing transport problems ảnh 1

NA’s Justice Committee held a meeting to discuss about traffic problems in Vietnam over the last three years (Photo: VNA)

Hanoi (VNS/VNA) -
The National Assembly’s JusticeCommittee on March 6 asked relevant ministries to analyse shortcomings in roadand railway transport.

Nguyen Thi Thuy, a permanent member of the committee, saidthat violations and traffic accidents on roads and railways were still problemsneeded to be tackled.

Last year, around 8,200 people died and 14,800 others wereinjured because of traffic accidents on roads and railways.

Thuy pointed out major problems relating to investment intransportation, toll collection, drivers’ health and information on trafficsafety.

She asked the Ministries of Transport and Public Securityfor reports on delayed issuances of legal documents on the implementation of lawson road and railway traffic.

The Ministry of Health was asked to clarify limitations ofregulations relating to drivers’ health and regular medical check-ups. Theissue has garnered a lot of attention after a number of incidents in whichtruck drivers were found to have been drinking or using illegalnarcotics. 

The Ministry of Education and Training was asked about poordissemination of information on road safety among students. Common violationsinclude riding electric bikes without helmets, driving in the wrong lanes andnot obeying traffic lights.

Thuy added that people were also concerned about overloadedtrucks and were wondering if authorised agencies intentionally ignored theviolations.

Regarding toll collection on roads built under Build-Operate-Transfer(BOT) contracts, the NA’s Justice Committee asked questions about locations ofBOT stations that are said to be “unreasonable”.

In the last few years, drivers in localities nationwideprotested BOT stations over unreasonable locations or high tolls.

Chairwoman of the NA’s Justice Committee Le Thi Nga saidevery day in Vietnam, on average, about 23 people leave home and never returnbecause of traffic accidents.

“Traffic violations and traffic accidents are stillproblems,” Nga said, adding that lawmakers questioned that with the availablelegal framework, how they – the National Assembly and the Government – canaddress the issue.

Deputy Nguyen Ba Son from the central city of Da Nang calledfor strict punishments on drivers who use drugs.

He said drivers found to be using drugs should face lifetimebans. He said he knew of cases in which truck drivers caught using drugs, afterbeing fired applied to work as taxi drivers.

Former vice chairman of the Justice Committee Nguyen DinhQuyen said that when a driver was found to be using drugs or committing otherviolations, not only the drivers but also their employers should be punished.

Minister of Transport Nguyen Van The also said that when afirm hires a driver, the firm was responsible for supervising them.

“If a driver on drugs causes an accident, the firm must takeresponsibility too,” The said.

The said the Ministry of Transport was set to propose to theGovernment a project to update roads that are prone to traffic accidents.

Last year, over 200 traffic black spots were fixed. Theministry plans to fix another 200 spots this year.   

At a meeting with NA Standing Committee members on March 6,a representative from the Ministry of Public Security said that statistics ontraffic deaths and injuries failed to reflect reality.

In Vietnam, the number of deaths caused by traffic accidentsis calculated as the number of people who die at the scene of the accident.Those who die later from their injuries are not considered traffic deaths.

Meanwhile, according to the World Heath Organisation, a roadtraffic fatality should be defined as “any person killed immediately or dyingwithin 30 days as a result of a road traffic accident.”  

According to the Ministry of Public Security, last year, theministry proposed the Prime Minister develop a Government decree on trafficaccident statistics and sharing of data.

However, the Ministry of Justice did not agree withdeveloping such a decree.

Also at the meeting, the Ministry of Transport reported tothe NA’s Justice Committee that the ministry submitted a proposal to the PrimeMinister that cars with fewer than nine seats using ride-hailing applicationsand provide e-receipts when offering transport services should be treated astraditional taxis.

This is part of the amended draft decree developed by theministry to replace Decree No 86/2014/NĐ-CP on conditions for automobile transportationbusinesses.-VNS/VNA

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