Ministerof Natural Resources and Environment Tran Hong Ha said the scheme aims toarrange land areas to meet the requirements of developing a synchronousinfrastructure system; maintain 3.5 million ha of paddy plantation fields; ensure a stablerate of forest coverage at 42-43 percent; reclaim, restore and put unused landinto use; and curb land degradation and restore degraded land areas.
Accordingto the draft of the planning, by 2030, the area of land for growing rice willdecrease by 348,770 ha, with the reduction concentrated in the Red River Delta andthe Mekong River Delta. Meanwhile, many areas will be converted to non-agriculturalland such as industrial parks.
TheNA’s Economic Committee proposed reviewing and restricting the conversion of rice plantation landinto potential rice-growing areas to non-agricultural land.
Speakingat the meeting, NA Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue stressed the need to apply moderntechnology to the management and monitoring of land data.
Themanagement and use of land is the focus of the NA’s supreme supervision in thepractice of thrift and anti-waste, he noted, requesting that land data must bespecific based on on-site surveys.
Concludingthe land use discussion, NA Vice Chairman Nguyen Duc Hai stated the planningmust go first as a basis for sectoral, regional and provincial planning schemes.
Itmust be specific to implement but be comprehensive and visionary to create roomfor development, he said, adding that information review and exchange withministries, sectors, and localities should be done to avoid conflict andoverlapping between the national planning with sectoral and regional planning schemes.
Itis necessary to connect the land use planning scheme and plan with land-based economicdevelopment for effective exploitation, as well as the prevention of related losses,waste, and vested interest in the future.
In the afternoon, the NA Standing Committeeconsidered and made a decision on supplementing the estimate of revenue andexpenditure regarding foreign aid capital in 2021 for the central province of QuangNam./.