NA Standing Committee discuss public opinions

The National Assembly (NA) Standing Committee on October 11 looked into opinions that the public submitted to the upcoming second session of the 15th parliament, together with some other issues.
NA Standing Committee discuss public opinions ảnh 1A view of the NA Standing Committee's fourth session that opens on October 11 (Photo: VNA)
Hanoi (VNA) – The National Assembly (NA) Standing Committee on October 11 looked into opinions that the public submitted to the upcoming second session of the 15th parliament, together with some other issues.

Speaking at the NA Standing Committee’s fourth session, President of the Vietnam Fatherland Front (VFF) Central Committee Do Van Chien said voters and people highly value the directions made by Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong at the 15th NA’s first session in July.

However, Chien noted, they still voiced concerns about adverse impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

NA Standing Committee discuss public opinions ảnh 2President of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Central Committee Do Van Chien delivers a report on public opinions on October 11 (Photo: VNA)
The Presidium of the VFF Central Committee put forth six proposals, including handling the vaccine strategy; increasing investment in the grassroots healthcare system and preventive medicine; thoroughly dealing with social security issues, labour, employment, social psychology, bringing up and education of orphans, and support for vulnerable groups; and listing medical equipment and biologicals for testing among the commodities subject to the State's management of prices.

Voters and people supported the policy of delaying wage increases amid major impacts of the pandemic but called on the Party and State to raise pensions for those who retired before 1995.

They held that the Party and State should consider policies for assisting and encouraging frontline forces in the pandemic combat, according to Chien./.

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