Party chief meets Hanoi voters ahead 15th NA’s second session

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong on October 9 met voters in Hanoi’s districts of Ba Dinh, Dong Da and Hai Ba Trung, both online and offline, in preparation for the second session of the 15th National Assembly.
Party chief meets Hanoi voters ahead 15th NA’s second session ảnh 1Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong at the event (Photo: VNA)

Hanoi (VNA) – Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong on October 9 met voters in Hanoi’s districts of Ba Dinh, Dong Da and Hai Ba Trung, both online and offline, in preparation for the second session of the 15th National Assembly.

At the event, voters voiced their opinions about the fight against the pandemic, social welfare for residents, measures to remove difficulties faced by enterprises, and revising policies for socio-economic development.

In response, the Party leader said the country’s important activities were still held despite the COVID-19 pandemic. The entire people upheld the tradition of patriotism, solidarity and mutual support.

As the pandemic remains complicated, he stressed the need for staying vigilant and focusing on economic development, maintaining political security, social safety and order.

He urged voters and people to continue grasping the situation and offering timely suggestions to the Party and State, thus helping officials fulfill their assigned tasks.

Party chief meets Hanoi voters ahead 15th NA’s second session ảnh 2At the event (Photo: VNA)

The leader informed that the upcoming nationwide conference disseminating the Resolution adopted by the fourth plenum of the 13th Party Central Committee will focus on socio-economic development, building and rectification of the Party and the entire political system, and the fight against corruption and negative phenomena.

In the end, he also affirmed his absolute trust on the leaders and people of Hanoi. With their heroic tradition, he believed that the capital city will become an example for other localities across the country to follow./.


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