Hanoi (VNA) – Hundreds of literature and art works featuring thesolidarity between Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia were honoured at a ceremony inHanoi on January 18.
In early 2017, the General Political Department of the Vietnam People’s Armylaunched a campaign composing literature and art works on Vietnam-Laos-Cambodiafighting solidarity.
The event was in response to the Vietnam-Laos Friendship and Solidarity Year2017 and Vietnam-Cambodia Friendship Year 2017 as well as the 40th anniversaryof signing Vietnam-Laos Treaty on Amity and Cooperation and 50th anniversary ofVietnam-Cambodia diplomatic ties.
Senior Lieutenant General Nguyen Trong Nghia, Deputy Director of theGeneral Department of Politics, said the activity helped increase art andculture exchanges between the three countries’ armies.
The organising board received 1,707 entries, including 626 from the VietnamPeople’s Army, 602 from the Royal Cambodian Army, and 479 from Lao People’sArmed Forces.
The best 133 works were selected with 14 A prizes, 27 B prizes, 40 C prizes,and 50 consolation prizes.
Vietnam earned five A prizes, 10 B prizes, 15 C prizes and 20 consolationprizes.
The awarding ceremony will be held in respective countries in this month.-VNA