The platformaims to help teams in remote work amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
Ha TrungKien, CEO of Gapo, said: “We developed a 'Make in Vietnam' platform tosolve many problems of businesses. GapoWork, as an internal socialnetwork, will help completely change the working environment and the waymembers communicate in the organisation, building a strong and inspiringcorporate culture."
Gapo’srepresentative also aimed to reach out to the international market with theproduct.
According tothe firm, GapoWork provides essential features for delivering a uniform,accurate, and rapid work flow on a single platform. At the same time,internal information will be secure thanks to the conversation encryptionfeature.
The firm'srepresentative said: “People who have to work remotely due to the pandemicwill not feel lonely because they are present on the online space together,still interact, share and learn with colleagues.”
The firm'srepresentative said besides the free version launched in May, GapoWorkwill develop an advanced version with special features, including integrationof apps like Zoom, Office 365, Google Suite, Trello; optimisations for thegroup model; creation of meetings; reviews for employees; as well asstatistics and charts to serve enterprises.
In July 2019,Gapo Technology JSC officially launched Gapo Social Network, with phase 1investment of 22 million USD from G-Capital fund. Gapo currently has over 6million users./.