Lotus flower charm eases summer heat

When lotus flower season comes in mid-summer, the West Lake area in Hanoi becomes awash with the blooms

When lotus flower season comes in mid-summer, the West Lake area in Hanoi becomes awash with the blooms, attracting hundreds of people come to take beautiful pictures.

Images of lotus and ladies in charming traditional long dresses have long gone into pictures, poems, and music, captivating people all around the world who love natural beauty in general and Vietnam in particular. 

Lotus flower is voted as national flower of Vietnam. It stands for the purity of body, word, and mind in Buddhism.

Hanoians treasure and indulge every moment of the lotus season, even though it comes every year.

Do Quyen, a local in Hanoi said she came from 5 am to take the most stunning views of the lotus pond. She said lotus flower represents purity, graciousness, and Buddhism

Being surrounded with pure lotus flowers in a summer morning will make you feel ease and peaceful.

Besides youngsters, many families with kids also come and take intriguing pictures. 

 “Today my family comes here to take pictures because this lotus pond is very beautiful, and we want to keep memorable moments of it,” said Hoang Thi Quyet, another Hanoi resident.

Dang Hong Nhung in Hanoi also share the same view with Quyet. She said she comes here every year to take pictures with lotus flowers as the pound is very appealing.

There is nothing more fascinating when being wallowed in this picturesque and delicate aroma of lotus bulbs, spreading in the breezes in the heart of the capital during sweltering summer days./.