ThePrime Minister asked ministries, sectors and localities to keepinflation rate lower and economic growth higher than that of 2012. Thetask is to keep inflation rate at about 6 percent in 2013.
Tomeet the targets, he said they need to implement monetary and fiscalpolicies in a flexible and careful manner, thus helping curb inflation,strengthen macro-economic stability and ensure appropriate growth. Inaddition, solutions to ensure state budge balance should be implementedin a synchronous and effective manner.
PM Dung also askedministries, sectors and localities to ease difficulties for productionand trade, with a focus on supportive measures to help businesses toaccess loans.
Credits will be prioritised for the production ofexport goods and farm produce, and supportive measures will be given outto help businesses clear inventories, settle bad debts and get betteraccess to foreign markets.
Localities were requested to constantly improve their investment environment to facilitate both foreign and local investors.
Theywere also asked to pay more attention to social welfares and securityand the improvement of people’s living conditions as well asadministrative reform, fight against corruption and wastefulness,traffic safety, defence of national borders and sovereignty, and otherissues.
Dung said the closer coordination in action betweenministries, sectors and localities and their drastic, effectiveimplementation of their tasks would realise all targets set for 2013.
Atthe conference, the PM hailed efforts by the political system and theentire people to achieve positive results in all fields in 2012.
Thecountry basically fulfilled targets for the 2012, curbing inflation,maintaining macro-economic stability with an appropriate growth of 5percent.
The year 2012 witnessed positive results yielded in theimplementation of social welfare policies, poverty reduction,socio-politic stability, defence-security, thus increasing the country’srole and position in the international arena.
However, the PM pointed out shortcomings and weaknesses, which are stillremained, including relatively unsound macro-economy, high bad debtlevel at banks, slow economic restructuring and cumbersomeadministrative procedures relating to investment.
The situation requires more efforts and resolve from ministries, sectors and localities, he added.
Duringthe two-day conference, cabinet members and local government officialsshared the view that priority should continue to be given tomacro-economic stability, inflation control, production and businessactivities, market development and settlement of bad debts.-VNA