Malaysia: Four charged with attack plan at SEA Games 29

Four men arrested just before the closing ceremony of the 29th Southeast Asian Games in Malaysia were charged with having ties with the Abu Sayyaf militant group.
Malaysia: Four charged with attack plan at SEA Games 29 ảnh 1Illustrative image (Source: straitimes)
Kuala Lumpur (VNA) – Four men arrested just before the closing ceremony of the 29th Southeast Asian Games in Malaysia were charged with having ties with the Abu Sayyaf militant group.

Malaysia’s news website “The Star” reported that Hajar Abdul Mubin, 25, was accused of being a member of the group since 2010. He faces a life imprisonment and a fine.

The remainders, Abdul Syamir Dabilin, 25, Ahmad Omar, 52, and Jaffar Ahmad, 26, were charged with intentional omission of information regarding a terrorist act. They face up to seven years in jail, a fine, or both.

According to the indictment of the Kajang court in Salangor state on September 25, the four men, all former security guards, had lived together in a flat in Cheras district, Kuala Lumpur. Abdul Syamir is a Philippine national while the others are Malaysians.

They are arrested together on August 30 alongside several suspected Abu Sayyaf militants, right before the closing ceremony of the SEA Games 29 in Kuala Lumpur.

It was reported that these men were planning to carry out attacks at the SEA Games closing ceremony and the country’s 60th National Day parade.

The case will be transferred to the Shah Alam High Court on October 16.

The Abu Sayyaf group has an estimated 400 members in the southern Philippines. It is notorious for kidnapping for ransom, attacks on civilians and bombings. It has declared allegiance to the Islamic State (IS) group.-VNA

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