Malaysia repatriates DPRK workers with expired work permits

All DPRK workers with expired work permits in Malaysia’s Sarawak state have been sent back to their home country, Deputy Home Minister Masir Kujat said on April 1.
Malaysia repatriates DPRK workers with expired work permits ảnh 1Belongings of DPRK workers (Photo: Borneo Post Online)

Kuala Lumpur (VNA) – All Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK)’s workers with expired work permits in Malaysia’s Sarawak state have been sent back to their home country, Deputy Home Minister Masir Kujat said on April 1.

The workers, who are mostly skilled labourers, had been rounded up by the state Immigration Department in March, and the repatriation was begun last week, he said.

Masir noted that there would not be any changes in the existing procedures for receiving DPRK workers and this is in line with Prime Minister Najib Razak’s announcement on unchanged diplomatic relations between two countries.

However, the recruitment is based on the demand for skilled workers, Masir stressed.

Masir’s affirmation was given in response to suspicion that the repatriation of DPRK workers might be related to tensions between Malaysia and the DPRK after the death of a DPRK citizen named Kim Chol.

Malaysia said that Kim Chol was poisoned while the DPRK claimed that he may have died of heart attack, diabetes and high blood pressure.-VNA 

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