Malaysia’s job market to be brighter next year

Employers’ optimism is up following the stronger growth of 14.2% in the Malaysian economy in the third quarter of 2022and next year’s hiring activities would be higher, according to online employment platform JobStreet Malaysia.
Malaysia’s job market to be brighter next year ảnh 1Illustrative image (Photo:

Kuala Lumpur (VNA) - Employers’ optimism is up following the stronger growth of 14.2% in the Malaysian economy in the third quarter of 2022 and next year’s hiring activities would be higher, according to online employment platform JobStreet Malaysia.

The company’s latest study on Compensation and Benefits in Malaysia for 2022-2023 showed that 53% of Malaysian employers it polled had “great confidence” in the country’s job market.

Another 57% reported that their hiring has bounced back to pre-pandemic levels, while another 23% foresaw this happening by June 2023, it said.

Given the fact that more than a third of surveyed companies are actively hiring personnel, so the scenario is progressively becoming an employer's market, said JobStreet Malaysia Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Vic Sithasanan.

According to the study, which polled almost 500 people involved in the hiring process, 88% of companies had been actively hiring over the past six months.

The most sought roles were in the administration, human resource, accounting, sales/business development, engineering and IT./.


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