Advancers outnumbered decliners by 133-80, even as the value of tradesslowed from Oct. 12's heavy sell-off to a total of just 438.3 billionVND (21.2 million USD). Volume reached just 29 million shares.
Six of the 10 leading shares by capitalisation saw gains of 0.4-1 percent, while Vietcombank (VCB) was the only share in this group to closedown.
Real estate developer Hoang Quan (HQC), which wasincluded in the list released by the exchange of shares ineligible formargin trading, was the most-active code, with 2.25 million traded. HQCslumped by another 3.5 percent to 11,000 VND per share.
Onthe Hanoi Stock Exchange, the HNX-Index lost about half a percent ofits value to conclude the session at 69.11 points. Losers outnumberedgainers by 128-99, while the value of trades declined 33.7 percent fromthe previous day to 306.5 billion VND (14.8 million USD). Volume reached31.2 million shares.
The market was sent reeling on Oct.12 by the announcement of shares that could not be traded on margin, andseveral analysts opined that market value would significantly decreasein Ha Noi since a significant number of shares accounting for a sizeableportion of trading on the northern bourse were included on theineligible list.
The criteria for inclusion on the listwere too harsh, said Bao Viet Securities Co analyst Tran Hai Yen."Quarterly losses are normal if the companies are not under too muchfinancial burden," she wrote in a note, urging regulators to considermore flexible criteria.
Kim Long Securities Co (KLS) was the most-active share nationwide, with 3.4 million shares exchanged.
Meanwhile, Phuong Dong Securities Co (ORS) also saw investors unload anet of 1.5 million shares of its stock at a floor price of only 3,000VND per share, following the release of information that a member of itsboard had been involved in fraud.
Kim Eng Securities Coanalyst Nguyen Thanh Lam said, "I do not see any changes in the currentdowntrend at the moment," despite global stocks overnight supporting arally. He advised investors to keep a high ratio of cash in theirportfolios.
According to a Kim Eng Securities Co report,finance and industrial stocks were still the most attractive forinvestment, followed by petroleum and consumer goods shares. Besidesthese, only healthcare stocks have managed gains this week, advancing byover 2 percent in HCM City and around 16 percent in Hanoi, the reportsaid./.