Mathematics competition kicks off in Hanoi

The 16th Hanoi Open Mathematics Competition (HOMC) opened in the capital city with a ceremony on April 3, with foreign students joining for the second time.
Mathematics competition kicks off in Hanoi ảnh 1Contestants of the 16th HOMC before the test (Photo: VNA)
Hanoi (VNA) – The 16th Hanoi Open Mathematics Competition (HOMC) opened in the capital city with a ceremony on April 3, with foreign students joining for the second time.

This year, the three-day competition has attracted more than 600 students from 14 countries and territories, including Indonesia, Malaysia, China, Nepal, the Philippines, Hungary, Iran, Myanmar, Poland, Spain, Taiwan, Thailand, the United Arab Emirates, and host Vietnam.

The contestants will compete in two categories of juniors (for eighth and ninth graders) and seniors (for 10th graders). English is the official language of the contest.

Speaking at the opening ceremony, Director of the municipal Department of Education and Training Chu Xuan Dung said the event aims to encourage learning amongst Vietnamese students, especially in mathematics, as well as to discover new maths talents from Vietnam and around the world.

Dr Eduardo O. Dela Cruz Jr, Vice President of the Mathematics Trainers Guild of the Philippines, affirmed that the friendships between participating students and teachers are expected to deepen through exchange activities, discussions, and cultural experiences during the competition in Hanoi.

The students will join sightseeing trips to famous attractions in Hanoi to explore cultural traits of the city as well as Vietnam’s ethnic groups. –VNA 

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