Accordingly, local authorities are urged to enhancemonitoring, early detect and promptly deal with outbreaks, whileimplementing activities on how to prevent the disease at schools,offices and community.
Medical stations are asked to provideconsultancy and treatment, while ensuring the supply of medicine andstepping up hygiene control.
Besides, provincial departments ofinformation and communication will work with relevant agencies tointensify educational activities on how to prevent the disease.
Local education departments are also asked to promptly informpreventive medicine units when detecting outbreaks at schools.Kindergartens are urged to ensure hygiene and provide parents withmeasures to prevent the disease.
In order to prevent from thedisease, the ministry warns people to keep personal hygiene. Pink-eyesufferers should reduce contacts with others and come to medicalstations for treatment.
The ministry’s warning comes as thenumber of people suffering from pink-eye disease has increased rapidlyin many localities, especially in Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, Da Nang cityand central Quang Tri, Quang Binh and Binh Dinh provinces.-VNA