Hanoi (VNA) – Millionsof children in Vietnam have been protected by immunisation over the past 40years, said the World Health Organisation (WHO) and UNICEF offices in Vietnam onApril 25 when they mark the World Immunisation Week from April 24-30.
The number of children dying from vaccine-preventable causes inVietnam has been reduced significantly since 1981, when the country introducedthe national immunisation programme – the Expanded Programme on Immunisation(EPI) – with the aim to ensure that every child, everywhere in Vietnam canreceive the lifesaving protection of routine immunisations, the two UN agencies said in their joint media release issued on April 25.
Since the start of the programme, Vietnamhas eradicated smallpox and polio, eliminated neonatal tetanus, and dramaticallyreduced other vaccine-preventable diseases such as measles, diphtheria, pertussis,and Japanese encephalitis, by immunising millions of children.
According to WHO and UNICEF, vaccines are one of humanity’s greatestachievements. Globally, in the last 50 years alone, vaccines have saved nearly154 million lives (more than 3 million a year) with more children now living tosee their first birthday and beyond than at any other time in human history.
UNICEF Vietnam Representative RanaFlowers said that Vietnam’s immunisation programme has been instrumental in savingchildren’s lives and alleviating the devastating impact of vaccine-preventablediseases on families, communities and the country as a whole for over 40 years.
"Looking forward, we strongly encourage the Government ofVietnam to sustain this tremendous achievement, so that every child has theopportunity to survive, thrive and lead a healthy life," she said.
In Vietnam, vaccines covered by the programmeare free for all children. Immunisation is safe and the most effective way toprotect children against many preventable deadly diseases. However, like many other countries, routineimmunisation services in Vietnam were disrupted during the COVID-19 pandemic.Children who are not vaccinated are at an increased risk of serious illnessesthat are easily prevented with a vaccine. In addition, high numbers ofunvaccinated children may result in outbreaks of vaccine-preventable diseases.
These risks are threatening the gains achieved by Vietnam towards reducingchild deaths over the past few decades.
Itis important that accelerated efforts and bold action continue to be taken bythe government to ensure that essential vaccines reach every child in a timelyfashion – not only those who are due for vaccination, but also all those whomissed their vaccinations in the last four years.
WHO Representative in Vietnam DrAngela Pratt said that Vietnam’s success in eliminating some, and dramaticallyreducing rates of other, vaccine-preventable diseases shows the power ofvaccination.
Action to achieve these remarkableresults has been spearheaded by the Government and supported by strongcooperation from health-care workers in even the remotest communes, localpartners, community-based organisations, local leaders and communities,international development partners, donors and scientists over many years, shesaid.
However, she noted that some of thesegains are currently at risk.
“We must act urgently to closeexisting immunity gaps and ensure that life-saving vaccines reach every child,in every corner of the country, today and into the future,” she urged./.