Ministry, UNDP step up efforts on poverty reduction

The Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs (MOLISA)’s National Coordination Office for Poverty Reduction and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) on February 28 signed a memorandum of understanding and launched a project on programme development and policy advising on multidimensional and sustainable poverty reduction for 2021-2023.
Ministry, UNDP step up efforts on poverty reduction ảnh 1At the signing ceremony (Photo: VNA)
Hanoi (VNA) – The Ministry of Labour, Invalidsand Social Affairs (MOLISA)’s National Coordination Office for PovertyReduction and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) on February 28 signeda memorandum of understanding and launched a project on programme developmentand policy advising on multidimensional and sustainable poverty reduction for2021-2023.

In his remarks, Deputy Minister of Labour, Invalids andSocial Affairs Le Van Thanh stressed the Vietnamese Party, Government andpeople pay great attention to sustainable poverty reduction, considering it a major task throughout the national reform, construction, and development cause.

Vietnam’s poverty rate, which was 58.1 percent in 1993, decreasedto 2.75 percent in 2020 and 2.23 percent in 2021. On January 18 this year, thePrime Minister issued Decision No. 90/QD-TTg approving the national targetprogramme on sustainable poverty reduction in the 2021-2025 period, which focuseson investing in improving the capacity of the poor and clearly identifies thecauses of poverty in order to radically and thoroughly solve the problem.

Thanh noted to implement the decision, the ministry wants toboost bilateral and multilateral cooperation with international partners in orderto successfully achieve the goal of multidimensional, inclusive, andsustainable poverty reduction.

The launched project is a join work among the UNDP, the MoLISA,and the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT). It hasprovided technical support for the MOLISA in a series of contents, such as researchingand developing the national programme; studying and finalising the poverty lineand instruments for multi-dimensional poverty measurement for the period 2021 -2025 which are relevant to Vietnam; and researching and proposing solutions tosupport the poor affected by the COVID-19 pandemic; among others.

“This project demonstrates the commitment from UNDP tosupport MOLISA in their vision to deliver the National Targeted Programme onSustainable Poverty Reduction. Our tried and tested innovative solutions willbe applied more widely to help meet the national target programme’s objectiveof reducing the number of poor and near-poor households by half by 2025,” saidUNDP Resident Representative in Vietnam Caitlin Wiesen.

“Australia is committed to supporting sustainable andinclusive growth in Vietnam. The UNDP-MOLISA partnership that is officiallylaunched today is part of Australia’s commitment.  We value this partnership as it has led toinnovative solutions for poverty reduction to be embedded in governmentprograms and policies,” said Australian Ambassador to Vietnam Robyn Mudie./.

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