Hanoi (VNA) – The United NationsDevelopment Programme (UNDP) has approved the Country Programme Document forVietnam for the 2022-2026 period and a financial package worth over 120 millionUSD.
The UNDP’s programme aims to help the Vietnamese Governmentaccelerate the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, guided bythe UNDP Strategic Plan’s three outcomes, namely shared prosperity through sustainable economic transformation; climatechange, disaster resilience and environmental sustainability; governance andaccess to justice.
Accordingly, people in Vietnam,especially those at risk of being left behind, will contribute to, and benefitequitably from more sustainable, inclusive and gender-responsive economictransformation based on innovation, entrepreneurship, enhanced productivity, competitiveness,and decent work by 2026.
They will also benefit from, andcontribute to safer and cleaner environment resulting from effective mitigationand adaptation to climate change, disaster risk reduction and resiliencebuilding, promotion of circular economy, clean and renewable energy, and thesustainable management of natural resources.
At the same time, they will alsobenefit from, and contribute to a more just, safe, and inclusive society basedon improved governance, more responsive institutions, strengthened rule of lawand the protection of and respect for human rights, gender equality and freedomfrom all forms of violence and discrimination in line with Vietnam’sinternational commitments.
Priority will be given to the Governmentwith capacities for anticipatory, adaptive and agile responses to complex andemerging challenges by evidence gathering and analysis to address new forms ofmultidimensional poverty, keeping nature and environment at the heart ofeconomic development; inclusive, human-centric digitalization and innovation;reframing policy choices and enabling shifts to address systemic gaps; testingand scaling up successful implementation models; and developing platforms toimprove fiscal planning and mobilisation of resources.
According to UNDP Resident Representative in Vietnam Caitlin Wiesen, Vietnam now stands at a critical juncture as it seeks to rebound from COVID-19 in ways that generate growth, are job-rich, sustainable and inclusive.
"With UNDP’s new 5- year Country Programme, we deepen our partnership with Vietnam to eradicate persistent poverty and develop pathways that deliver net zero carbon emissions and the Sustainable Development Goals. The Country Programme Document describes how we will foster innovation and shift ecosystems to scale implementation of the SDGs," she said.
The UNDP will closely cooperate with its partners to speed up green and inclusive transformation, with the most vulnerable to be given with greater opportunities, she noted./.