Hanoi (VNA) – Leaders of Cambodia, Singapore, Ukraine, the DemocraticPeople’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), Iran, Panama and foreign parties have sentcongratulations to General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam CentralCommittee Nguyen Phu Trong on his election as President of Vietnam.
In his congratulatory letter, Cambodian King Norodom Sihamoni expressed hisbelief that under the sound leadership of President Nguyen Phu Trong, Vietnamwill reap greater successes and further prosper in the future as well ascontinue maintaining its important role in the region and the world.
He hoped that Cambodia and Vietnam will continue to see thriving solidarity,friendship and cooperation at present and the future.
Meanwhile, Singaporean President Halima Yacob and Prime Minister Lee HsienLoong stressed that Vietnam and Singapore enjoy the fine relationship in allspheres, especially economy, finance, defence and security. They share a lot ofcommon interests and coordinate closely in ASEAN and other multilateral forums.
The Singaporean leaders expressed their wish to work closely with PresidentNguyen Phu Trong to seek ways to lift bilateral ties to a new height.
Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, in his message, wrote that the electionof Nguyen Phu Trong as President reflects the Vietnamese people’s highconfidence in and recognition of his experience, leading capacity and great contributions.
He wished to soon meet President Trong to discuss bilateral ties andinternational issues of shared concern, thus fostering the Vietnam-Ukrainecomprehensive partnership in a more intensive and practical manner.
President of the Presidium of the Supreme People’s Assembly of the DPRK KimYong Nam expressed his belief that the traditional friendship and cooperation betweenthe two nations will be developed and expanded in the time to come.
In addition, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, Panama President Juan CuarlosVarela Rodriguez and National Secretary of the French Communist Party PierreLaurent cabled their messages of congratulations to the new President ofVietnam.
Ambassadors of countries, including Chile, the US and Brazil, to Vietnam alsosent congratulatory letters to President Nguyen Phu Trong.
The 14th Vietnamese National Assembly on October 23 elected Nguyen Phu Trong asPresident of Vietnam.
After the results of the vote were announced, the new President had aswearing-in ceremony, vowing to stay absolutely loyal to the nation, people,and the Constitution of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, and to exert everyeffort to complete all missions assigned by the Party, State, and people. –VNA