More investment projects land in Tien Giang province

The Mekong Delta province of Tien Giang has granted investment certificates to two new projects worth 17 million USD in total at the provincial industrial parks since the outset of this year.
More investment projects land in Tien Giang province ảnh 1Processing aquatic products for export at the My Tho Industrial Zone in Tien Giang (Photo: VNA)

 The Mekong Delta province of Tien Giang has granted investment certificates to two new projects worth 17 million USD in total at the provincial industrial parks since the outset of this year.

The province has also allowed four existing projects to add 30 million USD in investment.

Tien Giang is currently home to 73 projects worth 1.37 billion USD, 47 of which are foreign direct investment ones valued at 182.7 million USD.

The results have been spurred by improvements in policies as well as administrative procedures, contributing to promoting an industrialised economic structure.

According to Nguyen Thanh Liem, Deputy Head of the local Industrial Zones Authority, enterprises operating in the province’s four industrial zones My Tho, Tan Huong, Long Giang and Soai Rap Petroleum Service are creating jobs for over 65,000 labourers.-VNA


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