Hanoi, (VNA) - The following is a list ofselected news summaries last night by the Vietnam News Agency.
– Public and corporate satisfaction should beused to measure the efficiency of administrative reforms, Prime Minister Pham MinhChinh said at a year-end conference held by the Ministry of Home Affairs inHanoi on December 29.
Reforming administrative procedures is amongthe key tasks for 2023 with people and businesses at the centre, the leadersaid.
He asked the sector to continue contributing tobuilding a streamlined, efficient and effective administrative apparatus, intandem with personnel restructuring and training.Read full story
– National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Huehosted a reception in Hanoi on December 29 for Cambodian Ambassador ChayNavuth, who came to say goodbye at the end of his tenure in Vietnam.
The top legislator lauded contributions by theambassador in particular and the Cambodian Embassy in general to fostering thegood neighbourliness, traditional friendship, and comprehensive, sustainableand long-term cooperation between the two countries in all Party, State,Government, parliament and people-to-people exchange channels.Read full story
- The Party Central Committee’s OrganisationCommission held a national teleconference on December 29 to review its work in2022 and put forward tasks for 2023.
Speaking at the event, delegates shared practicalexperiences of Party building in localities, ministries and sectors.Read full story
– Disbursement of foreign direct investment(FDI) in Vietnam in 2022 is estimated at nearly 22.4 billion USD, up 13.5%year-on-year, making it the highest amount in the past five years, the GeneralStatistics Office (GSO) announced on December 29.
Among 108 nations and territories pouringcapital into Vietnam this year, Singapore ranked first with 6.46 billion USD or23.3% of the total. It was followed by the Republic of Korea (4.88 billionUSD), and Japan (4.78 billion USD).Read full story
– Vietnamese ports handled 733.18 milliontonnes of cargo in 2022, up 4% from the previous year, an official said.
Of the amount, 179.07 million tonnes wereexports, down 3%, 209.26 million tonnes were imports, down 2%, and 342.79million tonnes were domestic cargo, up 12% year-on-year, according to DeputyDirector General of the Vietnam Maritime Administration Hoang HongGiang. Meanwhile, container throughput was estimated at 25.09 millionTEUs, up 5%. Read full story
– A ceremony was held in the northern Lao province of Oudomxayon December 29 to repatriate ten sets of remains of Vietnamese soldiers andexperts who laid down their lives in the neighbouring country.
Deputy Political Commissar of the Military Region 2 and head ofthe military region's Steering Committee 515 Major General Tran Ngoc Tuan,officials of Oudomxay province, representatives from the Vietnamese PeopleAssociation in Oudomxay province and Vietnam's 705 International CooperationCo. Ltd attended the ceremony.Read full story
– Nearly 200 Vietnamese citizens arrived homefrom Japan on a free flight operated by the national flag carrier VietnamAirlines on December 29 ahead of the Tet (Lunar New Year) holiday.
The flight was part of a programme that isoffering 456 free return air tickets, of which 196 are for internationalflights, along with 3,600 bus tickets, and Tet gifts to students and workersliving in difficult circumstances.Read full story/.