Hanoi, (VNA) - The following is a list of selected news summaries last night by the Vietnam News Agency.
-The Vietnamese Party and State always value traditionalfriendship and all-around cooperation with countries and political parties,including the Dominican Republic and its United Left Movement (MIU), saidGeneral Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) Central CommitteeNguyen Phu Trong.
During a reception in Hanoi on February 21 for MIUGeneral Secretary and Minister for Regional Integration Policies Miguel Mejiawho is on Vietnam visit from February 18-26, Trong expressed his belief thatthe trip will be a success, contributing to further deepening cooperationbetween the two countries, particularly in economy, trade and investment.Read full text
-Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh has requested ministries,sectors and localities to review legal procedures regarding the disbursement ofpublic investment capital and propose solutions to deal with existing problems,while promptly allocating all the planned public investment capital sourcedfrom the State budget for 2023.
Addressing a national conference on publicinvestment disbursement on February 21, PM Chinh underlined that capital isboth a resource and a motivation for development, helping create jobs, promoteproduction and businesses, and minimize impact from the outside.Read full text
-Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh, head of the State steeringcommittee for nationally important transport projects, chaired the fourthmeeting of this committee on February 21.
The hybrid event was connected with the 39provinces and centrally-run cities with major transport projects.Read full text
-On behalf of the Turkish Ministry of ForeignAffairs, Ambassador Hakan Cakil expressed his thanks to search and rescueteams of countries, including those from the Vietnam People’s Army (VPA), fortheir effort in Hatay province following the devastating earthquake.
Meeting the VPA’s search and rescue team,Ambassador Cakil once again thanked them and the Vietnamese Government forproviding necessities for Turkey.Read full text
-Vietnam is set to be represented by over 200 booths at thecoming 20th China-ASEAN Expo (CAEXPO), the biggest number of booths it willhave at this annual event so far.
CAEXPO, first held in 2004, plays a highlyimportant role as it provides a chance for Vietnam to advertise product brandsin the southern Chinese market and promote exports to the neighbouring country,said Vu Ba Phu, Director of the Trade Promotion Agency (VIETRADE) under theMinistry of Industry and Trade, at a briefing on the event in Hanoi on February21.Read full text
-The Piaggio Vietnam Co. Ltd has raised its investment in thenorthern province of Vinh Phuc by 75 million USD to 165 million USD to expandoperations.
The Italian-invested motorcycle producer receiveda certificate for its investment adjustment registration from the Vinh Phucmanagement board of industrial parks on February 21.Read full text
-Swiss daily Tribune de Gèneve has recently published anarticle hailing Vietnam as a new destination for foreign companies.
The article said Vietnam recorded the strongesteconomic growth in Asia in 2022 following a period of closure due to theCOVID-19 pandemic. Switzerland is well-positioned to leverage advantagesbrought about by the Vietnamese economy. Two-way trade between Switzerland andVietnam hit about 3.2 billion USD in 2020.Read full text
-The Vietnamese Ministry of Labour, Invalids and SocialAffairs and the British Embassy in Vietnam held a seminar in Hanoi on February21 to promote bilateral cooperation in vocational education.
The event was the first official activity torealise the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on vocational educationcooperation signed by the two Governments on April 5, 2022, which is also thefirst of its kind at the Government level between Vietnam and an internationalpartner.Read full text
- A working delegation led by US Ambassador to VietnamMarc Knapper paid a working trip to the northern border province of Lao Cai onFebruary 21, during which the diplomat held a working session with Chairman ofthe provincial People’s Committee Trinh Xuan Truong and attended a discussionon human trafficking prevention and control hosted by Family HealthInternational 360.Read full text
-The SMW3 cable, the last fullyfunctional Internet cable of Vietnam, has encountered a problem on itsS2.7 segment that connects with Singapore, the Internet service providerin the country said on February 21.
This means all the five underseacables connecting Vietnam with the world have been partly or wholly affected.Read full text/.