Hanoi, (VNA) - The following is a list of selected news summaries reported last weekend by the Vietnam News Agency.
-The13th Party Central Committee spent the second working day of the 8th plenum onOctober 3 discussing several important economic issues.
Inthe morning, the Committee discussed the socioeconomic development and statebudget situation in 2023 and plans for 2024, finance-state budget plans for the2024-2026 period, and a roadmap for the implementation of the new salaryregime.Read full text
-PresidentVo Van Thuong has signed a decision ratifying the Agreement on Mutual LegalAssistance in Criminal Matters between Vietnam and the Czech Republic, asrecently proposed by the Government.
TheCzech Republic inherited the agreement on mutual legal assistance in civil andcriminal matters that the Czech-Slovakia and Vietnam signed in 1982, whichprovides a legal framework to deal with requests for legal assistance incriminal matters over the past years.Read full text
- DeputyMinister of Industry and Trade Nguyen Sinh Nhat Tan had a working session withthe European Union delegation to Vietnam and the British Embassy in Hanoi onOctober 3 to discuss the implementation of the Just Energy TransitionPartnership (JETP).
Vietnam and its international partners on December14, 2022 announced a political declaration on the JETP establishment, whichhelps Vietnam deliver on its net-zero emission target by 2050 and acceleratethe peaking of its greenhouse gas emissions, and transition away from fossilfuels to clean energy.Read full text
- Morethan 150 international investors attended the Investor Conference 2023 hostedby VinaCapital Group on October 3 in Ho Chi Minh City.
This year’s event witnessed the largest number ofinvestors since the first conference held in 2005.Read full text
-Nearly20 Vietnamese enterprises visited Colombia and Chile from September 26 toOctober 3 with a view to further tapping into the Pacific Alliance markets,comprising Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru, and others in Latin America.
The trip was part of a series of business matchingevents under the 2023 national trade promotion programme held by the Ministryof Industry and Trade.Read full text
- Thesouthern province of Dong Nai drew over 120 foreign-invested projects worthnearly 940 million USD in the first nine months of this year, surpassing theyearly plan by around 34%, said the Dong Nai Industrial Zones Authority (DIZA)on October 3.
DIZA head Nguyen Tri Phuong noted that manyChinese firms have partially relocated their investments to Vietnam.Read full text
- Aconference was held in Hanoi on October 3 to introduce the advantages anddevelopment potential of the northern mountainous province of Cao Bang.
The event, jointly held by the Ministry of ForeignAffairs and the People’s Committee of Cao Bang, drew representatives ofministries, sectors and agencies as well as ambassadors of some countries andleaders of foreign organisations and business associations.Read full text
-Boxer Luu Diem Quynh secured a bronze medal for Vietnam,while the Vietnamese women's sepak takraw team continued their winning streakin the semifinal to advance to the gold-medal match on October 3 as part of theongoing 19th Asian Games (ASIAD 19) in China.Read full text
-TheASEAN Army Men's Volleyball Tournament 2023, with the participation of 7 teamsfrom ASEAN countries, commenced with a ceremony in Ho Chi Minh City on October3.
Speakingat the event, Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the VietnamPeople's Army Sen. Lieut. Gen Nguyen Van Nghia said via the tournament,military personnel from ASEAN member states will have the opportunity to shareexperience and improve skills, contributing to the common development of high-performancesports in each nation.Read full text/.