Myanmar President holds post-election dialogue with opposition leader

Myanmar President U Thein Sein met Aung San Suu Kyi, Chairperson of the election-winning opposition National League for Democracy (NLD), for a dialogue, in Nay Pyi Taw on December 2.
Myanmar President holds post-election dialogue with opposition leader ảnh 1Aung San Suu Kyi, Chairperson of the election-winning opposition National League for Democracy (Photo: Reuters)

Nay Pi Taw (VNA) — Myanmar President U Thein Sein met Aung San Suu Kyi, Chairperson of the election-winning opposition National League for Democracy (NLD), for a dialogue, in Nay Pyi Taw on December 2.

The dialogue, which was believed to have touched on the country's post-election government transition matters, took place in response to a request by Suu Kyi in her letter to President U Thein Sein on November 11 after her party won the nation’s general election.

Details about their talks are yet to be revealed.

Later in the day, Suu Kyi was also scheduled to have a separate meeting with Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Services Senior-General Min Aung Hlaing at her similar request.

Min Aung Hlaing had pledged earlier that the armed forces would work with the new government for the stability, peace and development of the country.

On November 19, she had talks with Speaker of the Union Parliament and House of Representatives (Lower House) U Shwe Mann, in which they agreed to focus on national reconciliation and consolidation in forming a parliament for the next term through coordination and cooperation.

Election result showed that the NLD won more than 50 percent of the seats in both the lower and upper houses, which are enough to form a government under the country’s constitution.

Suu Kyi herself was re-elected to the House of Representatives (Lower House) of the next parliament.

Under the constitution, Suu Kyi is prevented from becoming president as her family involves foreign citizenship.

The NLD has not yet disclosed the person selected for the presidency.

The meeting of the newly-elected parliament will take place in January 2016, a presidential election is scheduled for February and a new government is expected to be formed in late March.

The present term of the government will expire on March 31, 2016.-VNA


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