Melbourne (VNA) – National AssemblyChairman Vuong Dinh Hue has expressed his delight tovisit and address the Australia - Viet Nam Policy Institute (AVPI), the firstagency in charge of conducting policy research and providing recommendationsspecifically on the Vietnam - Australia ties.
In his keynotespeech at the AVPI in the headquarters of RMIT University in Melbourne city,Victoria state, on December 2 (local time), Chairman Hue said the establishment and operation of the AVPI thus far reflectAustralia’s increasing attention to Vietnam, at a time when the two countries are entering a new phase of morerobust and substantive development in terms of bilateral relations.
The AVPI has convened many diverse discussions on policyissues, and connectivity among businesses and localities from both sides, hesaid, hoping that the AVPI will soon become a leading research centre on Vietnamin the region, and serve as an incubator for ideas on the means to furtherstrengthen the Vietnam - Australia ties in the next five decades.
Introducinghis speech themed “Enhancing Australia-Vietnam strategic partnership for peace,stability, cooperation and development”, Hue shared histhought on three items, namely the situation in the region and the world, Vietnam’s foreign policy,particularly pertaining to the Indo-Pacific; and the Australia - Vietnam tiesat present, and future prospects.
He affirmed that the COVID-19 pandemic, and the increasinginterdependence among countries, are testaments to the fact that no country, evenmajor powers, can overcome all challenges by itself, and no country, howeversmall, would lack opportunities for development.
In many cases, hardships constitute the driver forinnovation and development. Over the past years, despite external challenges,Australia has made every effort in establishing resilient supply chains,diversifying its market, and bolstering the resilience of its economy.
Such is an invaluable experience for countries, includingVietnam, to learn from, he stated.
“Peace andcooperation for common development continue to be the primary trend of our time.Such is the common aspiration of all countries and peoples worldwide. Countriesshare the understanding that multilateralism, cooperation, connectivity, andintegration in line with international law, rather than selfish nationalism orpower politics, constitute the optimal means to overcome challenges.
In thiscontext, Vietnam maintains its wish andstrong resolve to work with other countries, including Australia, to pen newand brighter chapters in the chronicle of the region, thereby making substantivecontributions to common peace and prosperity around the world”, he said.
About Vietnam’s foreign policy, Hue said Vietnam has nowestablished diplomatic ties with 189 out of 193 UN members, as well as economicand trade relations with over 220 partner countries and economies. TheVietnamese legislature alsohas relations with more than 140 parliaments worldwide.
He asserted that Vietnam places the people at the heart ofevery guideline and policy. They are both the goal and driver for development,and for efforts toward social progress and equality. Vietnam is striving toharmoniously address the relationship between interests of different socialstrata, and continuously improve the living standard and happiness of thepeople.
The Party, NA, Government and people of Vietnam are makingevery effort to take Vietnam into a new phase of development, with a wide rangeof ambitious goals outlined at the 13th National Party Congress.These include:
By 2030, Vietnam will become a developing country witha modern industry and upper-middle income.
And by 2045, Vietnam will become a developed,high-income country.
To fulfill this noble aspiration, Vietnam, first andforemost, is building upon the internal strength of the entire nation, andremaining steadfast in implementing the foreign policy of independence,self-reliance, peace, friendship, cooperation and development, he said.
“With the foreign policy determined at the 13th National Party Congress, we continue to pursue multilateralisation anddiversification of external relations, and proactive and actively engage inextensive and intensive international integration. Vietnam is a friend, a reliable partner, andan active, responsible member of the international community.
We respect the fundamental principles of the UNCharter and international law, including the respect for independence,sovereignty, territorial integrity, equality, cooperation, and mutual interest.We also uphold the principle of addressing disputes via peaceful means”, hestated.
Regarding the Vietnam - Australia relationship and itsprospects, Hue said over the past half century, despite the various ups anddowns in history, cooperation for mutual development has always been theprimary trend in bilateral ties.
The cooperation between theVietnamese NA and the Australian Parliament witnessed robust growth, playing animportant role in the development of bilateral ties. With the signing ofmultiple cooperation agreements, the two sides have maintained regularexchanges of parliamentary delegations, and experience sharing in parliamentarywork, particularly in the building of institutions and legal systems.
“The Vietnam - Australia relationship is, at present,stronger than ever. After 50 years, generations of leaders and peoples fromboth countries have travelled a long way to reach the ties our two countriesenjoy today. Few people can imagine that our two countries would be able toreap such success”.
As 2023 marks the 50th anniversary ofdiplomatic relations, he underscored that it is necessary to bolster economic and trade ties, and consider thisthe core and driver of the two countries’ Strategic Partnership.
The two countries shouldfurther deepen strategic, defense, and security cooperation and need to successfully establish strategic cooperation pillars in education,training, and innovation, and support each other in the successfulimplementation of digital transformation and green transition towardssustainable development, he said.
Also at the institute, he answered questions on measures to promote the two countries' ties in some areas./.