NA Chairman underlines importance of legislative studies

Legislative studies should serve facilitation of development, and help remove problems and shortcomings of the current legal system, National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue said on June 22.
NA Chairman underlines importance of legislative studies ảnh 1National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue speaks at the working session with the Institute for Legislative Studies. (Photo: VNA)
Hanoi (VNA) – Legislative studies should serve facilitation of development, and help remove problems and shortcomings of the current legal system, National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue said on June 22.

During a working session with the Institute for Legislative Studies, Hue said since its inception 13 years ago, the institute has made efforts to complete tasks regarding legislative scientific research and publish the Legislative Studies Journal.

Hue urged the institute to play a more active role in researching and making recommendations on how to concretise the Party’s guidelines in the resolution adopted at the 13th National Party Congress, particularly new issues raised in the document. 
Another task for the institute is to review and perfect the existing legal system, he said, stressing the Politburo’s requirements of building a unified, synchronous, transparent, stable and highly feasible legal system, and asked the institute to take them into account.

To raise its operational efficiency, the institute should quickly draw up a project to revamp its operation, Hue said, noting that information products must be digitalised to make it easier for users./.

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