New Delhi, (VNA) – National Assembly ChairmanVuong Dinh Hue had a meeting with Indian President Ram Nath Kovind in New Delhion December 19 during his official visit to India from December 15-19.
The Indian Presidentwarmly welcomed the visit of the Vietnamese top legislator to India on theoccasion of the 5th anniversary of the two countries’ comprehensivestrategic partnership and the upcoming 50th anniversary of bilateraldiplomatic relationship.
Chairman Hue congratulated India for its accomplishments in socio-economic andscientific-technological development as well as its efforts to contain COVID-19and restore the economy. He reiterated Vietnam’s consistent foreign policy ofattaching importance to the time-honoured traditional friendship andcomprehensive strategic partnership with India.
The two leaders shared the view that the bilateral ties have seen strongdevelopment across the fields, from politics-diplomacy, economics, culture topeople-to-people exchange, and most recently the two countries have given eachother timely and effective support in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic.
They agreed to maintain mutual visits and all-level contacts of the two States,Governments, parliaments and through the Party and local channels. They alsoreached consensus on organising practical and meaningful activities to mark the50th anniversary of the two countries’ diplomatic relations in 2022.
NA Chairman Hue suggested that the two countries work closely together toimplement well the plan of actions for 2021-2023 and the Joint Vision for Peace, Prosperity and People adopted inDecember 2020, so as to further promote their current fine relationship.
He also proposed strengthening cooperation in priority and potential aspectssuch as economics-trade-investment, defence-security, energy,science-technology, digital transformation, health care, education-training, culture,religion, tourism and people-to-people exchange.
The two sides agreed to the need to have plans for boosting people-to-peopleexchanges, culture and tourism in the post-COVID-19 period.
They promised to continue coordinating and supporting each other atinternational and regional forums, while renewing their support of efforts topush the settlement of disputes by peaceful means in accordance withinternational law, including the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, forthe sake of peace, cooperation, stability and development in the region and theworld.
On the occasion, NA Chairman Hue conveyed an invitation to visit Vietnam fromPresident Nguyen Xuan Phuc to the Indian President.
The meeting with the Indian President is the last activity in the officialvisit to India of the NA Chairman and the NA delegation./.