NA Committees for External Relations of Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam convene 8th conference

The eighth conference of the Committees for External Relations of the National Assemblies of Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam (CLV) on Development Triangle Area was held via videoconference on September 23.
NA Committees for External Relations of Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam convene 8th conference ảnh 1Chairman of the Vietnamese National Assembly’s Committee for External Relations Vu Hai Ha leads the Vietnamese delegation to the event (Photo: VNA)
Hanoi (VNA) – The eighth conference of the Committees for External Relations of the National Assemblies of Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam (CLV) on Development Triangle Area was held via videoconference on September 23.

Hosted by Cambodia, the event was themed “strengthening parliamentary partnership for sustainable development and response to COVID-19 in the CLV Development Triangle Area,” aiming to realise the shared interests and cope with the COVID-19 pandemic for the common prosperity and solidarity of people in the area as well as the promotion of traditional friendship and long-term solidarity among the three countries.

Opening the event, Kittisangahakbindit Khuon Sudary, Second Vice President of the National Assembly of Cambodia, underlined the significance of cooperation in the CLV Development Triangle Area to the vision towards prosperity and cooperation for development, especially in the economic recovery from COVID-19.

Meanwhile, Chairman of the Vietnamese National Assembly’s Committee for External Relations Vu Hai Ha lauded Cambodia’s efforts in organising the conference, and showed support to the theme of the event.
NA Committees for External Relations of Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam convene 8th conference ảnh 2The Vietnamese delegation participates in the conference from Hanoi (Photo: VNA)

Ha said that to realise the goals included in the conference’s theme, all parties should exert more efforts to implement their commitments for the comprehensive socio-economic development in the Development Triangle Area in a sustainable manner, while rolling out effective measures to deal with the current complicated pandemic developments, and contributing to promoting the traditional friendship and solidarity among the three countries.

Following the opening session, the conference conducted the first and second sessions, during which participants discussed a report on the implementation of the development plan and measures to deal with COVID-19 crisis in the CLV Development Triangle Area, and a report on the outcomes of the supervision activities of the three committees over the Development Triangle Area.

In the afternoon, participants are scheduled to sit for the third session and adopt a joint statement before concluding the conference./.

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