Meeting with theUN Assistant Secretary-General in Hanoi on March 29, Chairman NguyenSinh Hung said the 132nd Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union(IPU-132) is expected to adopt a Hanoi Declaration, contributing to theagenda of the 70th UN General Assembly slated for mid-2015.
He stressed that Vietnam has spared no efforts to implement generaldevelopment goals and contribute to the UN’s development ever since itbecame a full member of the UN.
He added thatVietnam treasures the help and cooperation that the UN has given thecountry in all fields, as well as in fulfilling the MillenniumDevelopment Goals (MDGs).
Amina Mohammedapplauded Vietnam’s careful preparation for the IPU-132 and expressedher hope that the Assembly will adopt a concrete plan of action, thuscontributing to developing and implementing development goals for theperiod after 2015.
She spoke highly of theagenda of the IPU-132, saying that the items on discussion are in linewith the UN’s general orientation for development and useful for themaintenance of peace and prosperity in the world.
According to the special advisor of the UN Secretary General, theoutcomes of the IPU-132, specifically the Hanoi Declaration, will serveas the foundation for the cooperation between the IPU and the UN inrealising Sustainable Development Goals.-VNA