Nam Dinh (VNA) – Thenorthern province of Nam Dinh is making efforts to curb outbreaks of the A/H5N1avian flu virus, which have been recorded in Vu Ban and Truc Ninh districts.
The local Department of Agricultureand Rural Development said the disease has hit the province several times since2013.
In March 2013, the virus was detectedin Yen Phu commune, Y Yen district, causing the destruction of 267 domesticatedbirds to prevent the disease spreading.
It reappeared in February 2014, betweenJanuary and October 2015, and in December 2016, leading to the deaths of 5,230birds.
Since the beginning of 2017, thenumber of culled poultry has exceeded 9,100.
According to Hoang To Nga, deputyhead of the local agricultural body, shifting weather between seasons coupledwith farmers’ neglect of vaccinations and small-scale farming were the majorcauses of the outbreaks.
Waterfowl farming areas, poultrymarkets and former disease-hit areas are predicted to be at high risk ofinfection in the coming months, especially April and May.
The local steering committee fordisease prevention has worked to tighten regulations on food safety atslaughterhouses and markets, and urged every district to prepare for outbreaks.
Local districts have been implementinga state-funded campaign of 1.5 million vaccine injections for poultry indisease-hit localities, while farmers have been asked to shift to concentratedfarming away from residential areas.-VNA